The official homepage of Ram Iyer, a writer, PowerShell addict, typographer and a self-acclaimed rationalist.
PowerShell has become a must-have arrow in the quiver rather than a good-to-have one. Also, to use PowerShell, knowledge in Windows itself is necessary. Ram’s Tech blog concentrates on understanding the underlying operating system and concepts of modern computing to enable budding IT professionals be at ease with Windows while being efficient.
Meraki Post started off as A Cup of Coffee and a Fairytale, a book blog on which one of my friends used to post reviews of the books she read. A few years later, the site saw a serious transformation and became a community of book-lovers with enterprise-class IT infrastructure as its back-end, and a dynamic team of four as its front-end.
In spite of the cliched “My take on the world” stand that most blogs boast as their tag line, blogging still remains among the civilised ways of expression of views, besides being a great way to unwind. Ram’s blog is part satire, part rants and part what defines the oft-misunderstood “Bangalore IT Pro” life.